Friday, May 13, 2011

Yet another blog

Years ago, I had a blogspot account. It had one entry on it. It was about how I would torture my French teacher. I must have really hated her to have started a blog just for the sake of venting. That was around thw time that blogs were starting on the rise, and of course, being the nerd that I am, I later started a xanga blog to join in the xanga craze that went on during my first two years of college. I consequently started a MSN space, a livejournal, tried using facebook notes, etc. But the question that I had to ask myself (that many bloggers ask themselves) what is the blog for?

Many people use blogs as a way to sharw what goes on during their daily lives. Some people have really interesting lives, but for most people, it's just for friends and family to know what's going on. My anatomy partner once remarked to me, "yeah, we are so busy that I have to read my wife's blog to find out what's going on with my kids." The popularity of facebook goes to show how much we like to stalk other's business.

And of course, the real popular blogs are subject oriented, suh as photo blogs, food blogs, fashion blogs, etc. I tried to turn my msn space into a writing blog, until I realized how terrible a writer I am.

Then there's the actual diary type of blog. I have never seen another person's, and I have not really shared my own either. I like to think of these as a hole in the tree. They are private thoughts that is not to be shouted to the world, but can be stumbled upon by some stranger. Over the years, this blog is the only that lasted through time, carrying the me through the past seven years of my life.

So really what is this blog? The internet is a wonderful invention where knowledge is shared beyond any boundaries known to men. But what about inspirations? The great thinkers throughout time, like Da Vinci, Aripostole, were rare and few in between. I am, by no means comparable to even a fraction of their genius. But can't we collectively share our geniuses, inspirations through the net? Everyday, fleeting thoughts pass through my head, that maybe in the hands of somebody smarter than I, could lead to some really brilliant idea. If even one poor soul, who stumbled by accident upon this tiny blog in the infinite cyber space, could leave this page with something to ponder about, then I would say the purpose of this blog is achieved.

And if you actually know the real me, maybe you have wondered for a split second what really goes on through my head, so welcome to the rational (mostly) part of my mind.

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