Thursday, October 6, 2011

A momento to a man that I did not know

As I read the news this morning on my iphone, I was surprised (though i knew it was coming) to learn of Steve Job's death yesterday. As the girl who deemed Apple products expensive good for nothings and Apple fans crazy snobs, I am even more surprised to be a little sad by this news. I am by no means a blind fanatic or critic of Apple products. In my younger days, I have used and hated Apple computers and the MacOS. But I truly appreciate the amazing revolution that the iphone has brought to cellular technology and internet usage. From the day that the iPhone was first released, to four years later when I finally get to have my own iPhone 4, my life has been changed in so many ways.

And really, these changes come with technological innovations by people like Jobs. And I realize that it's the genius of many, many people, though it took leaders to bring together the little ideas into one impact that can revolutionize the way that we go about our lives.

As I read the triburaries by many giants in technology such as Bill Gates, Larry Page, and others, I think really today is a day that we could pause and appreciate the many wonders that technology has brought us.